Attention chefs, pastry chefs, and artisans! You are invited to the Table Chocolatée Montréal, a collaborative initiative from the Chocolate Academy. These gatherings aim to unite and promote local pastry chefs, bakers, and chocolatiers to share, inspire, and grow in the art of all things sweet.
The Table Chocolatée brings together artisans from the field to learn from one another, all while having a good time.
Current issues are discussed at their various events, where they share ideas, opinions, and solutions; because, more than ever, it is essential to work together.
The vision of this event is related to the new challenges of this constantly evolving industry and to the unlimited creativity of the artisans.
At the last Table Chocolatée, the participants discussed the following topic: “What if outsourcing your patisserie was a selling point?” Influenced by their own professional experiences, each person took turns expressing their opinion on the topic. This sharing of different perspectives led to a lively and constructive discussion, as well useful solutions that was widely applicable.
Chef Nicolas Dutertre
Chef Nicolas Dutertre, a Frenchman who fell in love with Montreal for its gastronomic richness, led the discussion.
Nicolas trained at one of France’s most renowned artisan schools, Les Compagnons du Devoir. There, he learned the key values of the trade that have never left him: precision, hard work, respect, and the sharing of knowledge. After proving himself at the famous Plaza Athénée in Paris, Nicolas decided to move to Montreal. His reputation as an excellent pastry chef followed him, and he was often invited to judge macaron competitions, as well as helping his peers refine their techniques. Today, he can be found at the Chocolate Academy of Montreal as Chef Pâtissier – Technical Director. A true lover of the industry, he continues to reach out to those who want to learn, get informed, or simply share.
With this Table Chocolatée, Nicolas and the Academy of Chocolate™ seek to build a local creative community of chefs to come together and share ideas.
Don’t miss the next event on March 21 at 4:00 p.m. with a topic that is more timely than ever in a post-pandemic environment. The issue of the day? “How do you manage the dietary demands of your customers?”.
One thing is for sure, there will be plenty to talk about! Register now, right here.
Everyone will share their perspective and their expertise.
Please note that registration is not only open to professionals from Montreal, but from all over Quebec.
Join Nicolas in his lab for chocolate-filled exchanges!
Written by Sophie Monkman
Photography by Alison Slattery