Aliments Viens: A charcuterie destination in the Mile-End

Aliments Viens Aliments Viens Aliments Viens Aliments Viens Aliments Viens Aliments Viens Aliments Viens Aliments Viens Aliments Viens Aliments Viens Aliments Viens montreal charcuteries fromages boulevard st-laurent plateau mont royal

Aliments Viens is an excellent shop that opened in late 2017, specializing in great charcuteries (cured meats). Owner Phillip Viens is not only the owner of a high quality and successful charcuterie shop, he is also very charming.

Having started his training at L’Express, he switched to DNA (now closed) and then went on to Maison Publique. “I wanted to be a pastry chef when I was young.” It was somewhat by chance that Phillip fell into the charcuterie area: “I’ve always found it easy to do these and whenever I was working somewhere, this was the task that was always given to me. So, I’ve ended up with this being my specialty and I like it, because charcuteries, like working with pastry, require precise techniques and the rigorous following of recipes.”

You may have already savoured the charcuteries from Aliments Viens as they are the supplier of choice to Toqué!, Maison Publique, Montreal Plaza, Le Majestique, Le Diplomate and elsewhere. Up until recently, the only Aliment Viens supplied, but with the opening of the store-front, their amazing products are available for everyone to enjoy!  The shop is very minimalist, with an industrial look and lots of clean white. The space was designed by Phillip, who consulted with architect Michael Hall, and the furniture for Aliments Viens was designed by the woodworker, designer and artist Emma Senft from Studio Mile-End.

The charcuteries at Aliments Viens are sold per gram or per kilo to its customers. All the meat comes from Quebec, and sourced from small farms that raise their animals with great care – just as it should be. There is a choice of three sandwiches, made with bread from their neighbour Hof Kelsten, – and our favourite is definitely the ham and cheese. Aliments Viens also offers a small selection of Quebec cheeses, which will eventually be available for take out on platters, like the charcuteries.

“I’m really happy to finally be able to offer my deli meats to everyone!” We too, are really happy with Aliments Viens’ success and can’t wait to order one of these new platters.

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