Taglio: Butcher, Deli, and Outstanding Sandwiches

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Opened on December 16, Taglio Butcher & Deli has already established itself as a must-visit for smoked meat and artisanal charcuterie lovers in Montreal. Its name, meaning “cut” in Italian, perfectly captures the essence of the project: a deep mastery of butchery and high-quality product transformation.

Behind this venture are Matthew Berry, his wife Vanessa Tremblay, and David Malka. Matthew, a butcher with over 20 years of experience, honed his skills in high-end restaurants and butcher shops. When he heard about the legendary space in Pointe-Saint-Charles, everything aligned to bring his long-time dream to life: opening a shop to share his expertise.

Taglio has preserved the historic smoker from the famous Québec Smoked Meat, a piece of equipment that has stood the test of time and gives their products an unparalleled depth of flavor. Their smoked meat, already gaining a reputation, rivals some of the best in the city. They also use cold smoking techniques for their house-smoked salmon, which we had the chance to taste—and it was nothing short of exceptional.

Beyond stocking up on house-made products, people come to Taglio for their indulgent sandwiches. Naturally, their smoked meat won us over, but the porchetta sandwich, served on a soft focaccia, is another must-try. And if you get the chance to taste their roast beef sandwich, you won’t be disappointed!

In addition to the sandwich counter, Taglio is preparing to launch a grocery-butcher section, offering a curated selection of fine products and premium meats.

A delicious discovery awaits!

Photography by Alison Slattery

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