Five questions for Camilo Lapointe-Nascimento

As you probably already know, Tastet is interested in everything related to the restaurant industry. We love to discover the best places to eat and drink well. Everyone appreciates good food served in a beautiful space. However, what gives us the most pleasure in pursuing our mission is meeting the people who make these experiences possible. Whether they are restaurateurs, chefs, famous personalities, or heroes who work behind the scenes, these beautiful encounters spark enthusiasm in us that we will always want to share with you. We invite you to discover one of Tastet’s favourite personalities with our playful Q&A.

This week, we’re talking to Camilo Lapointe-Nascimento, the winner of the 2020 edition of Les Chefs! After his appearance on the show, we heard about Camilo because of the great project he created with his colleague Francis Blais: Menu Extra. The two chefs are still very busy these days with new initiatives such as Chefs en direct! online cooking classes where you can learn to cook gastronomic classics with Camilo and Francis. Koulibiac and coq au vin have already been featured and we can’t wait to see what the two chefs have in store for us next.

Camilo’s culinary successes are well known and his popularity is growing. But what about the individual behind the chef? To learn a little more about him, we asked him a few questions.

What did you have for breakfast?

Camilo: “It’s funny I should be asked this question today, because this morning I tried something new and it didn’t work at all. I made protein pancakes, and they were really bad.”

Where would you like to travel after the lockdown?

Camilo: “I would like to go to Copenhagen. Actually, I was already planning to go there because it was part of the prize of Les Chefs, so I hope it will happen.”

Who would you most like to cook for?

Camilo: “That’s a tough question, but I think it would be for Stanley Kubrick. His films fascinate me. A lot of people have written texts trying to understand what he meant in his movies, but nobody is able to really know. I wish I could.”

What have you cooked the most in the last year?

Camilo: “Rice, definitely. It’s probably the thing I’ve cooked the most at home and at work, for staff meals.”

What do you listen to when you cook?

Camilo: “I’m a big music lover, it comes from all sides. I would say that what really gives me good energy when I’m cooking is funk and old weird electro-punk like The Prodigy. The kind of electro music that was kind of forgotten in the 90s.”

Rapid fire questions

Sweet or savoury? “Sweet.”

Butter or margarine? “Butter.”

Bread or pasta? “Bread.”

Fruit or vegetables? “Fruit”

Beer or wine? “Wine.”

Meat or fish? “Fish.”

Chicken: fried or rotisserie? “Rotisserie.”

Photography by Jeremy Dionn

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