Les Lauriers Gala 2022: Quebec City takes top honours

A highly anticipated evening

On June 20th, 2022, Windsor Station was full of food lovers for the Lauriers Gala.

The ceremony, hosted by the indefatigable Christian Bégin, was eagerly awaited by all after a Covid-induced three-year hiatus. True to form, Mr. Bégin was a humorous and entertaining host.

The guests had the chance to feast on small specialities concocted by several finalists from previous years!

The jury, composed of 6,000 members of the public (Brigade des Lauriers) and industry professionals (Marc-André Jetté, Anita Feng, Alexandre Taillefer, Lesley Chesterman, Paul Toussaint, Sophie Allaire, Mairie-Fleur St-Pierre and Colombe Saint-Pierre) had the daunting task of deciding between the nominees.

The Lauriers 2022 Gala winners

As you can see, Quebec City stood out this year!

– Restaurant of the Year
Battuto, Quebec City

-Chef of the Year
Simon Mathys

-The Laurier du Public

-Revelation of the Year
Dominic Labelle
Parcelles, Austin

-Pastry Chef of the Year
Chloé Migneault-Lecavalier
Lecavalier Petrone, Montreal

-Baker of the Year
Seth Gabrielse and Julien Roy
Automne Boulangerie, Montreal

-Sommelier of the Year
Pier-Alexis Soulière
Le Clan, Quebec City

-Mixologist of the Year
Claudia Doyon
Distillerie de la Chaufferie, Granby

-Best Service Award
Pierre Julien
Graziella, Montreal

-Beverage Producers of the Year
Grégoire Bluteau, Charles Boissonneau, Enrico Bouchard and Martin Brisson
Menaud, Clermont

-Producers of the Year
Christian Lefebvre and Carole Marcoux
Le porc de Beaurivage, Saint-Patrice-de-Beaurivage

-Artisan of the Year
Chloé Gervais-Fredette
Les Chocolats de Chloé, Montreal

-Company or Initiative of the Year
Les Filles Fattoush

-Culinary Culture Outreach Award

-Event of the Year
Cuisine, Cinéma & Confidence

-Gastronomic Tourism Award
Gourmet Sauvage

Thank you to the Lauriers Gala for celebrating the humans at the heart of the restaurant industry.

Congratulations to the winners and nominees.

See you next year!

Take Out

Wine bars

From the magazine

La Mecque du Hambourgeois

Simon from Cantine Urbaine unveils La Mecque du Hambourgois, his new project, set to open soon in Tétreaultville.