Five questions for… Stefano Faita

“The three essential ingredients in my pantry? Olive oil, salt, and tomato sauce”.
As you probably already know, Tastet is interested in everything related to the restaurant industry. We love to discover the best places to eat and drink well. Everyone appreciates good food served in a beautiful space. However, what gives us the most pleasure in pursuing our mission is meeting the people who make these experiences possible. Whether they are restaurateurs, chefs, famous personalities, or heroes who work behind the scenes, these beautiful encounters spark enthusiasm in us that we will always want to share with you. We invite you to discover one of Tastet’s favourite personalities with our fun Q&A.
Today, we met up with Stefano Faita.
Owner of the successful establishments Impasto, Gema, and Chez Tousignant, Stefano Faita has also launched his own brand of grocery products that are all the rage in supermarkets. They include sauces, sausages, meatballs, pizzas, panetonnes and their latest marvel: a hazelnut and cocoa spread (without palm oil!).
Meet this Italian with a Montreal soul, who is full of energy and never stops surprising us!
Here are our questions for Stefano Faita:
What did you have for breakfast?
An espresso
What are the three staple ingredients in your pantry?
Olive oil, salt, tomato sauce
What would you never eat?
Pan-fried fois gras. Foie gras in general, I just can’t.
What is your favourite take-out?
Saint-Hubert (laughs). I know, I shouldn’t say that, but it’s true.
Where do you dream of traveling to after confinement?
What have you cooked the most in the last year?
Barbecue, even in winter.
Who would you most like to cook for (alive or dead)?
My girlfriend, without any hesitation.
What would you do if you weren’t a chef?
I would be a graphic designer. I’ve been super involved in all the designs for the grocery products.
This or that?
Sweet or Savoury?
Butter or Margarine?
Fruits or Vegetable?
Bread or Pasta?
Fried chicken or Rotisserie chicken?
Rotisserie Chicken
Cheese or Dessert?
Follow a recipe or Chef’s inspiration?
Chef’s inspiration, of course!
Meat or Fish?
Beer or Wine?
Guilty pleasure?
Leclerc chocolate cookies
Written by Sophie Monkman
Photography by Stefano Faita