Alexandre Thifault: the Trainer for Restaurateurs

Alexandre Thifault worked in the restaurant industry for many years before realizing that he was ultimately destined to become a personal trainer. “I was fortunate because I was always aware of the importance of staying fit in an environment particularly prone to excess. Unlike many of my colleagues, I preferred to go home after a long shift rather than succumb to temptations and wake up in a sorry state. This work ethic allowed me to put in long hours in the industry while staying physically and mentally fit,” shares Alexandre.

This lifestyle clearly attracted some attention, as he was quickly approached to develop personalized training programs tailored to the restaurant world. Alexandre even served as Chuck Hughes’ personal trainer for a few years and made a special appearance on his television show.

In 2023, Alexandre Thifault set out to inspire the world he had been a part of for over 25 years. While his gym is not exclusively reserved for restaurant workers, it is oriented towards the industry that he cherishes so deeply!

The Importance of Physical Activity in the Restaurant Industry

Reading Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential prompted Alex to question the balance between work and personal life. “Unfortunately, there is a deeply ingrained culture of alcohol and drug consumption in the restaurant world. We work long hours, and it’s very challenging to sustain in the industry when one doesn’t take care of oneself. Restaurant workers often face mental health issues such as anxiety and depression due to this unhealthy lifestyle,” he confides.

According to Alex, the secret to longevity in the restaurant industry lies in physical training. Staying active not only helps avoid injuries but also maintains balance. In short, a healthy mind in a healthy body!

Boost Saint Henri or the Restaurant Gym

Boost is a small fitness studio located on Notre-Dame West in the Saint-Henri neighborhood. Typically, there are 1 to 4 clients maximum training at the same time. “I create personalized programs for each member based on their goals. I also try as much as possible to create group dynamics and bring compatible people together,” says the owner of Boost.

Alex runs his gym like a restaurant: nothing is left to chance. Before each session, much like setting up before a service, he meticulously organizes the space to welcome his guests. The music is selected based on his clients’ preferences to maximize the experience.

“A client once jokingly told me that I should receive a Michelin star for the gym. It made me think about what I wanted to present as a project. Everything is geared towards that. I try to offer a perfect experience, a unique atmosphere for each session while remaining consistent,” concludes Alex.

Photography by Mikael Lebleu

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